DISEMEX – Disability Employment Expert
The aim of our project is the exchange of good practice and benchmarking of best practice strategies aimed at facilitating the integration of people with disabilities into the first labour market and thus promoting inclusion.
Of particular interest are organisations and methods that reduce structural barriers without having a charitable claim to help. The aim of DISEMEX are empowerment projects, not transfer.
The aim of the organisations and projects under consideration is to enable the self-determination and independence of people with disabilities in society, not to promote their perception as cases of care and nursing. The results are recorded in a protocol and disseminated in various ways.
As part of the Traqns-national Project Meetings (TPMs), we want to hold workshops at which best practice strategies for enabling employment of people with disabilities will be discussed. To this end, appropriate organisations and institutions will be visited and workshops will be held with project participants and relevant stakeholders in the respective partner country.
More about the project you can learn at the project's website: http://disemex.eu/