
Capacity Building in the Field of Youth
Eastern Partnership Window
Youth entrepreneurship based on good practices

Project Number: 602759-EPP-1-2018-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBY-EP-PE

Entrepreneurship is a personal challenge and a great opportunity at the same time. Being an entrepreneur means making your own creative ideas happen. It also means creating jobs and doing something for the common good. Unemployment rate is higher among youth in all European countries, and we can succeed when young people will be active in the field of entrepreneurship. To make them active can be done by building their capacities based on good practices in the field of youth entrepreneurship. These are the exact reasons for our motivation to launch a transnational project on entrepreneurship among young people in cooperation with NGOs, social enterprises, companies and educational institutions.
The main aim is to stimulate job creation through supporting youth entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship, based on good practices.

The project has three main objectives:

• promote the concept and practice of youth entrepreneurship among the unemployed youth in order to increase their employability;
• improve youth workers’ knowledge and entrepreneurial skills and therefore their abilities to provide assistance to young people;
• develop a framework for cross-sectorial sharing of good practices between social enterprises and youth NGOs.